Life is a mystery

you'll never know what tomorrow brings...

Lyna Lange Lagginald
18 going on 19

Singapore Polytechnic
Chemical Process Technology

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

holidays over and school's starting.
soooo NOT prepared to sit thru boring lectures, AGAIN.

but i can only say i spent this holiday doing things i love and hanging out with people i love.
what more can i ask for!?
altho alot of our initial plans didnt go as planned our spontaneous outings and last min plans were definitely a blast! :)
which also means i didnt get enough rest.
still dont feel recharged. LOL!

oh and i got this very awesome job.
some may laugh at me.
but its really good stuff man.
Fun people, GOOD MONEY and free tan.
alright i better get going.
blogger wouldnt let me post piccas.
hopefully i'll be back with updates from first week of school :)
till the take care peeps.

busy on the outside, but empty deep inside.

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