Life is a mystery

you'll never know what tomorrow brings...

Lyna Lange Lagginald
18 going on 19

Singapore Polytechnic
Chemical Process Technology

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Aini Celeste FangYing Frauleen Jennifer Lawrence Lynette Rachel Shek Huay Shu May Shu Ying Siti Hawa Ting Ting Xiao qin Yvonne

(Favourite drama fansites)

The L Word

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Saturday, February 16, 2008


Its been eons since i last blogged!
Was caught up with so many things to do thats why!
and i guess cause of that i must have lost even the few readers that i used to have.

anyway, whatever it is now IM BACK!

So i guess everyone must have been having a great time holiday-ing.
SO the most exciting things in my lfe right now are:

1) being chosen as GL, ponten ;)
2)watching this drama, The L word!

This two things are gonna keep my holiday going!

so for those who are holiday-ing PLEASE do enjoy while u can .
for those who are still having exams: JIAYOU!
and for those who are still schooling as per normal: PERSEVERE ON!!

im gonna go catch my drama!
will promise pictures in my next post yeah?!?
till then, take care peeps!

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